On May 15th, 2022, Bitcoin Cash will undergo a technical upgrade to further expand its virtual machine (VM) contracting capabilities. bch-devsuite version < 1.3.0 have to perform the upgrade.
# Upgrade bch-devsuite to 1.3.0gitfetchorigingitcheckout1.3.0# Activate python virtualenvsource./venv/bin/activate# Install new dependenciespipinstall-rrequirements.txt# Stop the running system./bch-devsuitestop# Backup data directory (Optional)sudocp-rdatadatabak# Upgrade stacks./bch-devsuiteupgrade# Restart the system./bch-devsuitestart# [Smartbch] `./bch-devsuite start` may showing that your bch-node is not completely synced up# and it cannot start smartbch, you have to wait until it synced up and manully start smartbch with command./bch-devsuitestart-smartbch