Getting started


To run this node, you must have the follow software installed on your local machine:

  • Docker (including docker-compose)

  • Python 3

  • Virtualenv (sudo apt install python3-venv)

  • Openssl

  • Git

Cloning this repository

# Clone repository
git clone
cd ./bch-devsuite

# Setup virtualenv
python3 -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

# Install script dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt


bch-devsuite initialize the infrastructure from configuration file, see configuration for more details.

Setup infrastructure

1. Generate configuration

You can run this command and follow the command-line wizard

./bch-devsuite build-config /tmp/bch-devsuite.toml
build-config screencast

or create a config file by hand, note that you can remove the part if you don't want that component. See Configuration Examples for more examples.

# Example TOML config file

network = "mainnet" # mainnet | testnet | regtest
rest_service = "bchrest" # bchrest or bchapi
exposed_ports = true
docker_network = "bch-devsuite-network" # docker-network name

[local_node] # Local node configuration
node = "bu" # bu (bitcoin unlimited) or bchn (bitcoin cash node)
wait_time = 6 # a delay before running initializes command. Need to be high if you run on a slow system.

[slp] # SLPDB
username = "actorforth" # MongoDB username
password = "123ldsfoijqwerj" # MongoDB password

[smartbch] # SmartBCH
enabled = true
test_keys = [ "0b7cdf43329298b26d34d311b25d39f19c60fff25ba45b121284f91e12f17658", "b4d85a7a944b08bab74d0e9e9d612ee409649b382e4de500ee3bd7b7e9c6954f", "216fe772968f326d1b992da744db79fcf06cf6f1142d18086fb4b5a7005cdb8f", "adb378c6b0b9b9cb6190c88cbcaa992388f8e37f1d9c7fc791d08201d04047dc", "09b13dbd311823699802bad7240315021f9e79fe029cc0c0a7a15ab614f303d3", "7c5f4f8eb1f8a82dc9f243350082a1542b2d77d09832023b5cf8f158196a717e", "2917909f71ca82665e6f9ab50b05ecc869f49b9157d0b17976ccd000b3987e29", "989a02864785024b8488d4b22bbdea98048389c18879c18a95e72fbca11c0048", "e473abfa2982915d2cadb204dd41e41afce1b4e8851783a6b1356f5e6784774b", "e3bab3da3a55ac52b241f5d4c2066125b47e197316339540536f66ff92f38585"] # test accounts, only needed for regtest

host = "http://bch-node" # BCH RPC host, leave it to be "http://bch-node" if you also run BCH local node with bch-devsuite
port = "8332" # BCH RPC port
username = "actorforth" # BCH RPC username
password = "BWrzap0bqMjezoeHtOzgOOcUgzkxaL6w" # BCH RPC password

2. Init infrastructure


./bch-devsuite init -f /tmp/bch-devsuite.toml

This command will read configuration file, generate files, check necessary softwares is installed, and then it will download and prepare the docker containers. init screencast

Running infrastructure

Execute the services script to start the node, indexer, rest API, and/or SLPDB (depending which ones defined in configuration file).

./bch-devsuite start


./bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo

Expected result

  "chain": "regtest",
  "blocks": 200,
  "headers": 200,
  "bestblockhash": "0714183b15ac3757e35152fadbc0fd2d73ec97c4d9e1ee486882b18da8b256ca",
  "difficulty": 4.656542373906925e-10,
  "mediantime": 1614598375,
  "verificationprogress": 1,
  "initialblockdownload": false,
  "chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000192",
  "size_on_disk": 48350,
  "pruned": false,
  "softforks": [
      "id": "bip34",
      "version": 2,
      "reject": {
        "status": false
      "id": "bip66",
      "version": 3,
      "reject": {
        "status": false
      "id": "bip65",
      "version": 4,
      "reject": {
        "status": false
  "bip9_softforks": {},
  "bip135_forks": {}

Stop infrastructure

Once you decide to call it a day, you can shut down your local environment by executing:

./bch-devsuite stop

Cleaning Up

If you experience any issues, or would like to completely erase the current wallet and node containers, run the following script:

sudo ./clean

NOTE: this command may need to be ran with sudo while on linux

WARNING: The 'clean' script is very destructive, so make sure you only use it when you want to completely erase the entire current instance of nodes and the wallet.

Last updated

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